American Seairimports Inc. – FBA City - Amazon FBA Wholesale & Private Label

American Seairimports Inc.

Proposal presented by: FBA City

We appreciate the opportunity to present our expanded range of services to you. FBA City is committed to providing comprehensive solutions for Amazon FBA businesses. In addition to wholesale account opening and product selection, we are excited to introduce our professional e-commerce website creation service. This proposal outlines the scope of our services, pricing, and timeline for your consideration.

Scope of Services

Wholesale Account Opening

At FBA City, we understand that establishing wholesale accounts with reliable suppliers in the United States can be a time-consuming and sometimes challenging process. That's why we propose to take this burden off your shoulders and handle the entire process on your behalf. Our comprehensive Wholesale Account Setup Services are designed to ensure a hassle-free experience for your company. . Service Highlights: . Account Setup: We will initiate the process of opening five wholesale accounts with reputable wholesalers in the United States. Leveraging your company details, email, and resale certificate, we will meticulously handle all the necessary paperwork and communications to expedite the account creation process. . Dedicated Follow-Up: Our commitment doesn't end with the initial setup. We will diligently follow up with each wholesaler to ensure that your accounts are opened promptly and without any complications. Our team will act as your liaison, addressing any issues or inquiries that may arise during the setup process. . Supplier Guarantee: We understand that not every supplier may be the right fit for your business. If, for any reason, one or more of the selected suppliers do not meet your expectations or fail to cooperate, we have you covered. We will promptly replace any non-compliant suppliers with suitable alternatives to ensure your business continuity.

Product Selection

After successfully opening your wholesale accounts, FBA City takes the initiative to maximize your Amazon FBA business's profitability. Our expert team goes the extra mile by meticulously analyzing your inventory files to identify lucrative products that are perfectly suited for Amazon FBA. Here's an overview of our approach: . Our Product Research Process: . Sophisticated Scanning Software: To ensure thorough and comprehensive product research, we employ advanced scanning software tools such as Tactical Arbitrage and ScanUnlimited. These tools enable us to sift through thousands of UPC codes from your supplier catalogs and meticulously compare them with Amazon listings. This data-driven approach allows us to identify potential opportunities quickly. . Manual Selection of Winning Products: While scanning software provides valuable insights, we understand the importance of a human touch. Our team of experts manually reviews the product data to hand-select winning products. We prioritize products that not only exhibit profitability but are also fast-moving on Amazon, ensuring that your inventory turnover is optimized. . Ensuring Healthy Sales Share: We work diligently to ensure that your products gain a healthy share of sales on the Amazon marketplace. By carefully selecting and optimizing your product listings, we aim to position your offerings favorably to attract a significant customer base. . Securing the Buy Box: Winning the Buy Box is crucial for Amazon sellers. Rest assured, we implement strategies to consistently secure the Buy Box for your products, ensuring that your listings are featured prominently in the Amazon marketplace. . Monitoring Price and BSR Trends: To maintain your competitive edge, we regularly monitor price trends and Best Seller Rank (BSR) data using tools like Keepa charts. This proactive approach allows us to adjust pricing strategies and inventory levels to adapt to market dynamics. . In essence, FBA City's commitment extends beyond just opening wholesale accounts. We are dedicated to ensuring that your Amazon FBA business thrives by strategically selecting and managing your product offerings. With our comprehensive product research and optimization services, you can expect a profitable and sustainable presence on the Amazon platform. . Let FBA City be your trusted partner in achieving success in the world of Amazon FBA. Contact us today to take your business to the next level!

E-commerce Website Creation

We are excited to offer our professional e-commerce website creation service, which includes the following: ㅤ Store Design: Our experienced designers will create a visually appealing and user-friendly e-commerce website that reflects your brand identity and captivates your target audience. ㅤ Product Import: We will import 100 products from 10 different categories sourced from Amazon. These products will be carefully selected to ensure a diverse range that aligns with your target market and offers maximum potential for sales and profitability. ㅤ Category Organization: FBA City will diligently categorize and organize the imported products within your e-commerce store, making it easy for customers to navigate and find their desired items. ㅤ Payment Integration: We will seamlessly integrate secure payment gateways to facilitate smooth transactions, ensuring a secure and trustworthy shopping experience for your customers. ㅤ Mobile Optimization: Our team will ensure that your e-commerce website is fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices, enabling customers to browse and make purchases conveniently from their smartphones or tablets. ㅤ SEO Optimization: We will implement essential search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve the visibility of your e-commerce website in search engine results, driving organic traffic and increasing your chances of generating sales. ㅤ Training and Support: FBA City will provide training and ongoing support to help you manage and update your e-commerce website efficiently.

Your Investment

15 Wholesale Accounts x 50 Wholesale Products (USA)
E-commerce Website Creation

Total: $3000

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