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$ 7

Jungle Scout Data 

Viral Launch Data

Market Trends

Competitor Analysis 

High Score

Page one analysis

Here's What You'll Get:

All of the above per page one also as Top5 & Top10• Page ONE Listings table (all statistics from Jungle Scout) - Product Name, Brand, Price, Category, Rank, Sales, Revenue, Reviews, Rating, Seller, Fees, Sellers, Net, LQS (Listing quality score - the higher the score the better the listing), ASIN, Link
Page ONE Listings table - Viral Launch (BSR, BSR30, Unit Margin, Monthly Sales, Reviews, Sales to reviews ratio, NET Profits)
Market Trends ( Average Price Over 90 Days, Best Selling Period, Rate of Review Increase, Annual Sales Trend, Estimated Sales Trend, Average Price Trend, Average Review Count Trend)
Viral Launch Analysis ( Product Idea Score, Possible Monthly Sales, Reviews Needed To Sell Well, Sales Pattern Analysis, Tips, Warnings and Alerts)
Cost Calculator ( Profit Per Unit, Fee Breakdown, Upfront Cost, Potential Monthly Profit, Initial Inventory Profit, Initial Units To Order, Units to Reorder, Maximum Sales Potential)
All of the above per page one also as Top5 & Top10• Page ONE Listings table (all statistics from Jungle Scout) - Product Name, Brand, Price, Category, Rank, Sales, Revenue, Reviews, Rating, Seller, Fees, Sellers, Net, LQS (Listing quality score - the higher the score the better the listing), ASIN, Link
Page ONE Listings table - Viral Launch (BSR, BSR30, Unit Margin, Monthly Sales, Reviews, Sales to reviews ratio, NET Profits)
Market Trends ( Average Price Over 90 Days, Best Selling Period, Rate of Review Increase, Annual Sales Trend, Estimated Sales Trend, Average Price Trend, Average Review Count Trend)
Viral Launch Analysis ( Product Idea Score, Possible Monthly Sales, Reviews Needed To Sell Well, Sales Pattern Analysis, Tips, Warnings and Alerts)
Cost Calculator ( Profit Per Unit, Fee Breakdown, Upfront Cost, Potential Monthly Profit, Initial Inventory Profit, Initial Units To Order, Units to Reorder, Maximum Sales Potential)

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